Taurus Horoscope for September 2021

Here is your Taurus Horoscope for September 2021. Every month, you will find at WeMystic the astrological forecasts for your zodiac sign.
Here is your Taurus Horoscope for September 2021. Every month, you will find at WeMystic the astrological forecasts for your zodiac sign.
Mercury will have a tense aspect. Watch out for dispersion and anxiety. Put urgent matters first. Unexpected invitations could arise. Make the most of these contacts. Always look and see what you are capable of achieving, instead of looking at missed opportunities. These emotions can bring your days down, causing you to take it out on compulsions, especially food compulsions. These emotional extremes can take over your vision, blinding optimism about the future. Talk to your friends, relatives, reliable people, observe their points of view, and try to assimilate them with reality. Wait a while until certain internal conflicts calm down before you decide something.
Vital energy in full positive and renewed frequency, thanks to Pluto and Mars being in harmony in the sky.
Your daily life can be full of originality and intuition. Take the opportunity to stimulate your abilities even more. Being confident and positive, the results could be as well.
The second week favors rest and the company of family members. Choose the beginning of the week to make the most of the energy. With the Moon in sextile, social activities, including quick trips, will be favored.
Life together will be very intense, as well as energies favorable to self-love and self-care. Activities that bring pleasure and creativity will be on the rise. Going to the movies, having dinner, listening to music, will be activities that bring peace.
In the last week, be prepared for a more tense atmosphere. If you need to impose yourself too rigidly, beware of thunderstorms in relationships in general. Avoid useless arguments (Mars and Sun making a tense aspect).
The entrance of spring in the Southern Hemisphere marks the last week. It is important to continue to prioritize the most relevant phase of your life. Too much information can cause anxiety.
Manage and watch out for feelings of jealousy. Do some introspection about toxic feelings. Focus on your well-being.
Saturn and Mars make a very good aspect in the sky, favoring agreements or real estate investments.
If someone asks you for some help, see what you can be helpful in.
Opportunities for professional expansion could bring the recognition you have longed for. Hard work will be rewarded. In this new cycle, it will be possible to make timely changes with Uranus in trine to the Sun.
With caution and perseverance, it will be possible to achieve your goals by taking on more responsibility. These are lively days, and you won’t waste time waiting for the challenges that will come with the intention of offering opportunities for personal evolution. Diplomatic and sensible attitudes will be good strategies for success.
Taking other people’s limitations into account is not only related to the other person, but to how much synergy you can develop around you, encouraging colleagues – which promotes ease in your studies and work. What makes you uncomfortable, serves to make you focus on what is really working. A test of endurance, since this is a Taurus characteristic.
Entering the second week, you may find that teamwork can be even more enjoyable and new partnerships will be more productive than ever. Your moment to shine has arrived. This can attract more prosperity and new avenues to open up. You will be so successful that it will upset some people, but nothing will stand in your way. Enjoy this achievement-filled phase! Intellectually you will feel inspired, with cool ideas, where Moon and Jupiter will be together in the sign of Aquarius in trine with Mercury in Libra. The planet Saturn will also bring very positive influences. And with this, your professional performance will be highlighted.
Celebrate a lot your achievements, you will be full!
In the last week avoid doing business, buying or selling, there will be tension aspects between Moon and Mercury that will be unfavorable.
Determination and your focus will make a total difference now, paving the way for a not too distant future. The time will be right to unroll a trip, not too close, but abroad. Take the opportunity to plan and think about a good itinerary.
In the second week after enjoying the good energies, you will need to catch your breath, because your immune system will be in need of more attention. Eating well and reducing alcohol will be important.
Mars in Libra favors community interests and those involving well-being, so you may want to develop something. Uranus offers a favorable climate, bringing an aptitude for spiritual and philanthropic matters in a conscious and integral way. The changes will be internal, as Sun and Pluto also make aspects.
The mood in the last week can make you irritable and impatient.
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