The dark side of Gemini: how to face opportunism

Whether we assume it or not, we all have a little immoral side, we cannot help it, we are done. Also some people have a penchant for greed, infidelity or hypocrisy. Others deserve the Caesar of bad faith, lust, or excellent in the art of lying. Learn more about the dark side of Gemini.
The dark side among the natives of Gemini is the fear of commitment and instability in their decision-making and actions. They are completely unpredictable, with all the good and evil that this entails.
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Try to refocus and calm down when you feel distracted or overwhelmed, Gemini. A great way to calm your mind and focus is to practice regular meditation. It can be difficult to focus at first, but it should get easier with each session.
The dark side of Gemini: opportunism
Who decreed that being an opportunist was wrong? You, you navigate crosswinds without any worries, from the moment that the direction indicated serves your interests.
But after all, we only live once so why should we dwell on rubbish? Master in the art of opportunism, Gemini knows how to adapt with ease to all kinds of situations.
His moral values know no bounds, as long as they allow them to be happy. Gemini also tends to embellish things a little. It is however possible to face this dark side of Gemini.
How to be safe from an opportunist?
Get rid of guilt feelings
To achieve their goals, manipulating opportunists are often offended. You feel guilty, believing that you really hurt that person’s feelings. As a result, they try to “correct” their actions that triggered such a reaction, so that they are willing to fulfill all the missives, conditions and, sometimes, even the other’s requirements, and even if they are totally contrary to their interests.
If you really made a mistake, consider this: at what point exactly were your actions taken? And only remedy the consequences. For example, you accidentally pushed a coworker and he spilled coffee on the floor.Apologize and call the person responsible for cleaning the place or clean it yourself. But, that’s it … Is he also asking you to finish a complicated task assigned to him? It seems that this situation does not fit.
Don’t make the compliments fool you
At first, you receive countless compliments over and over: “Ah, you are so sociable. He has a wonderful social circle and has an incredible job.He certainly earns a good salary.Do you also drive a car? It’s good that we don’t live so far away ”. As a result, your “protection limit” drops dramatically. If you really have great connections, this kind of praise only indicates that the person wants to use and abuse your contacts with influential people. Or borrow money.
To give a compliment or not is a decision of each person. You didn’t ask anyone to praise you. So don’t be in a hurry to accept or make promises that you can regret later.
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