The Devil: discover the meaning of this Tarot card

The Tarot deck is an ancient set of 78 divination cards that we can utilize to better understand our soul purpose and life path. They connect our consciousness to the sacred Source, allowing us to gain insight and assist us in making choices and predicting events. The Devil Card is labeled card “15” in the Major Arcana, and possesses a deep meaning when it appears in a reading.
The Devil Card: Meaning
The Devil Card is a part of the Major Arcana, or trump cards, in the tarot deck. These cards are numbered from 0 to 22 and the Devil Card is labeled number 15. Therefore, the energy and attributes of the Number Fifteen are held within.
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There are many associations we can examine to help us interpret the meaning of the Devil Card. They include: the illustration on the card, the Number Fifteen and its meaning in Numerology, and the zodiac relationship it has with Capricorn.
Visual Interpretation
The illustration on the Devil Card displays the image of a half-beast and half-man; complete with horns, white wings, and a very intimidating and hypnotic stare. There is an inverted pentagram above his head, and two figures at the foot of “The Devil.”
The two figures are a man and a woman, both standing naked and chained to the throne on which the beast sits. They too have horns like the beast, yet they are much smaller, and they also have tails.
This figure is actually representative of “Pan,” the nature God that is part man and part goat which actually represents something created for the better good, even if reflecting evil. It can also be considered to be the Baphomet, or the enigmatic and symbolic figure of ancient past associated with the “occult.”
Essentially, this figure represents the “scapegoat” we utilize for all things we blame our shadow selves on, in order to feel better about ourselves. It reflects our ego: temptations, sexuality, external stimuli, addictions, animal instincts, desires, and darker sides of this life. The inverted pentagram is another sign of occultism and mysticism, but more so relates to the dark sides of such studies.
The wings on the Devil are similar to a vampire bat, which is symbolic for being an “energy vampire” – those things which suck the life out of that who succumb to it.
The two people chained at his feet are naked, (which reflects exposure and vulnerability), and seem to be there against their will. Yet when we look closer, we observe that the chains are quite loose; the people could probably leave his clutches at any time if they so desire. Yet they remain. And the longer they remain, the more they resemble him, as with the horns and the tails they are developing.
Numerology Association
The Number 15 is a higher frequency of the Number Six, as it reduces to 6 (1 + 5 = 6).
The Number One possesses an energy of pioneering, independence, masculinity, confidence, new beginnings, initiation, and individuality.
The Number Five possesses an energy of change, innovation, expansiveness, constructive freedom, rebellion, pioneering, adventure, restlessness, action, variety, opportunity and life experience.
The Number Six possesses an energy of Earthly wisdom, practicality, harmony, unconditional love, and an instinct of protection and caretaking.
If we can remember The Lovers Card, which is Number 6 in the Major Arcana, we see The Lovers in a new predicament. They are now chained to the material, sexual and physical side of their nature.
Therefore, the Number Fifteen holds a vibration of masculine energy (1), change (5), and Earthly practicality (6).
Zodiac Association of The Devil Card
The astrological zodiac sign of Capricorn is ruled by the Devil Card in the tarot. And it is no coincidence that the symbol of Capricorn is The Goat. The goat is a sturdy animal who we assume would not be able to climb mountains – yet they are fantastic at it. In fact, this is where they are most comfortable, as they never falter and keep their feet firmly on the ground. This is reflective of the Capricorn, who aspires to conquer the highest of limits at any risk or cost.
Capricorn reflects an energy of “getting it done,” no matter what “it” is. Though seemingly cold and introverted, Capricorn only puts effort into things worthy of their time. In this existence, success is measured by money, career, status and recognition. Capricorns plan ahead, and they rarely give up until they achieve their goals. The most resourceful sign of the zodiac, this cardinal earth sign embodies the epitome of being grounded in the physical.
Capricorn is also ruled by Saturn, the planet of discipline, structure and responsibilities. It forces us to face our weaknesses, consciously attempt to improve them, and work hard to do so. Therefore Capricorn energy strives for the best. This also means they are rarely satisfied with what they have – and may even be manipulative at times – using others to make their way to the top.
What The Devil Card Means In a Reading
When the Devil Card appears in a tarot reading, it is an obvious sign that there is some self-examination, shadow work, and contemplation to be done. It is possible that the recipient has already stooped to a level of living that is beneath their potential.
The Devil serves as a loud and clear symbol of our human-driven ego. Ego is that which controls our physical life, but there is much more to life than the physical. We cannot give up our lives and conscious control to that which lies in material items, temptation, or the forces we can deem negative in our lives.
If you believe you are a “victim” of circumstances or the physical and shadow sides of life, then you will become one. However, we all have the power within us to break free of those limiting belief systems and fear-based ideas.
As humans, we have free will to “walk away” from “The Devil” whenever we decide to. Do not be ignorant of the powers and beautiful nature that we possess, because a mind that remains unaware of such things can never grow to defeat the ego. Always choose acceptance, always choose love, and always choose spiritual values over physical.
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