The Judgement Card: discover the meaning of this Tarot card

The Tarot deck is comprised of 78 cards used for divination purposes to connect with Source, providing intuitive answers about our life and future opportunities and events to come. By channeling energy through intention, the answers never cease to unveil the correct answer. The Judgement Card possesses significant meaning when it shows itself during a reading.
The Judgement Card: meaning
The Judgement Card, (sometimes spelled as “The Judgment Card”) is the Number “20” card in the Major Arcana of the Tarot deck. The Major Arcana is composed of the trump cards, (or the first 22 cards of the deck), which are numbered from 0 to 21.
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Visual Illustration of The Judgement Card
The illustration of The Judgement Card displays several naked figures that seem to be rising up out of their graves. Their arms are outspread, responding to a call from an angel above. This angel is Archangel Gabriel, and he is hovering high above, using a trumpet to call out to them.
We can see large mountains in the background, which represent circumstances or obstacles of an extraordinary nature. The naked people below the angel are prepared to be judged by the angel and ultimately, the Universe… knowing they cannot avoid the inevitable process of Judgement.
What This Card Means In a Reading
When The Judgement Card appears in a Tarot reading, it indicates an awakening of some type – possibly a period of resurrection where something comes to an end to create room for powerfully new beginnings. It represents the fact that you are getting close to reaching an epic state in your life.
Consider making it a priority to take some time for self-reflection, meditation and evaluation. The awakening will come from comprehending and understanding the themes that have surrounded your life thus far, and what needs to be done to change their effects or avoid these themes in the future.
You are most likely aware that there are things that need to be altered in your everyday life – ways to live your life in a different way – in order to fulfill your needs and be truest to your Higher Self. Whatever has been lying beneath your conscious mind has been awoken, and the truth is finally being brought into the light.
Now that you’ve allowed yourself to be vulnerable to more fruitful opportunities, you will lead a life that serves your higher purpose and soul mission…one that will certainly provide inspiration to humanity.
The Judgement Card always suggests that you have evaluated all of the intricate pieces that have made up your life, and you are finally learning from them. By doing this, you’ve healed parts of yourself, including releasing guilt through self-forgiveness of mistakes and errors from your past. It is this healing that allows you to put the past behind you, and appreciate the valuable lessons that certain events have served you in your lifetime.
Decisions are now required that will be life changing, but they are not decisions to be made simply with the lower mind’s logic. These decisions should be a combination of both logic and intuition.
If you find yourself at a fork in the road of life’s journey, know that any decision you make will bring big changes… and they must be dealt with using maturity. Your personal sense of judgement is strong right now – trust it and know you are on the right path. If you are weighing your options, think back to your past and life experiences, which will undoubtedly lead you to the right decision.
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