The Men of Aquarius: unravelling his curious mind
The men of Aquarius have a great sense of curiosity about the world. Their sense of curiosity about the human personality is very intense and so it is very easy for them to always make new friends everywhere they go.
But the most curious thing is that despite making so many friendships, they hardly create deep ties with most of them. In fact, people enjoy being in their company and maintaining their friendship, but not the other way around.
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The men of Aquarius: personality traits
Interestingly, the men of Aquarius may have a really shy or more reserved nature, but end up starting a conversation almost everywhere they go, even in the bank line, moved by their curiosity and the diversity of the world.
The fact is that these men value diversity and quantity more than quality, and do not attach much to people, which could prevent them from discovering something new and extraordinary later on.
The men of Aquarius in love
A true adventurer and seeker of the world and life are some of the characteristics that could define an Aquarian man very well. Having a great sense of restlessness, the mysteries of life arouse interest to all around him.
His curious eye is eager to unveil everything that is in store both in life and within each person.
It is not uncommon that possible partners may even feel invaded in a way, so this man set his eyes on them. The best way to conquer the men of Aquarius is to stir their curiosity and not leave all the doors open at once; always keep one door closed and curiosity will surely drive them crazy.
They really get out of their mind when there is a riddle ahead, and that applies to love affairs too, as they can spend a lot of time and even a lifetime trying to crack a puzzle that appeal to them. But be careful as it will be nothing strange that as soon as they find out all the secrets, they immediately lose all interest in whatever it is – it takes a lot of balance to keep their curiosity always active.
For women and men who are able to keep their attention or who are interesting enough to do so, this will surely be very well rewarded, as the men of Aquarius are able to surprise you (and to be surprised!) every day.
One moment he may seem distant and lost in his thoughts, but the next moment, he covers you with kisses and flowers, grabs you tightly and says he loves you, simply because he wanted to. It’s not hard to see when a man from Aquarius loves you and wants you, for this trait is very clear and explicit in every hug he gives.
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