The Men of Gemini: the most volatile, diplomatic and humorous

Always very shrewd and cordial, the Men of Gemini need no introduction and know how to make new friends. Sometimes they may be confused with the exhibitionism present in certain signs, but what they really want is simply to be noticed – they know very well how to use their social skills and love it.
This man has a strong diplomatic sense, always reaching out to greet someone he has just met. His quick thinking and keen eye for the small details of someone else’s behavior not only makes it easier for him to make friends, but also makes it very difficult to overcome him in some discussion, as he always seems to have the best arguments.
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He always surprises with his personality change and enjoys having fun using an acidic, satire humor no matter who he is directed to. The Gemini man, by the way, loves to show all his mental abilities through humor, taking every opportunity to put himself in a superior position, even if maliciously.
The Men of Gemini in love
A Gemini man will always have a straight answer and the perfect comment to conquer a passion – it is very difficult for his mate not to appreciate the conversations and presence of such a cordial person.
But before you decide to be by his side you need to be aware that he is extremely volatile: one day he may be bringing out all his romanticism by going to fine restaurants, a movie theater and welcoming you with flowers; while the next day, for no apparent reason he may seem indifferent, without even making a phone call. Worry not, he will be romantic again as quickly as he is no longer.
The men of Gemini are certainly fascinating persons, and being with them will not cause you any boredom. But for that you have to be a keen lover due to their unpredictable temperament – knowing that you actually have two companions by your side, a lovely one and quiet and the other grumpy and festive.
A good way to deal with the Gemini man is not to credit his volatile and sometimes silly personality. Appreciate the Gemini man who is passionate, quiet and dedicated, simply ignoring the grumpy and cold one. Remember that he likes to be noticed and the more credit you give to his coldness, the more that characteristic will be present.
This is one of the reasons he gets along so well with more independent women who do not pursue him. For a Gemini man, the perfect match is a more independent person, a Sagittarius, Leo or Aquarius one.