12 things you can do alone while you are in quarantine

Everyone always puts forward a lot of activities to do for two, to do as a couple. However, it is just as important to reserve time for yourself, and just for yourself. It is especially the case if you are in quarantine, due to the present coronavirus situation. Loneliness can be scary and lonely activities tend to intimidate us. When in fact, this is the perfect opportunity to live according to our desires and organize a schedule that suits us, really. Here a few things you can do alone while you are in quarantine.
12 things you can do alone
1. Create a blog
A place where you can write about everything you love to do, share your secret spots, share your feelings and share recipes that really make your taste buds fly high. This would allow you, in addition to clearly affirming who you are, to reach people who have the same tastes and the same vision of things.
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2. Write a book
We are not asking you to start writing the bestseller of the year, but simply to put on paper the things you want to tell people; in short to discharge your feelings.
3. Be your own therapist
The moments of solitude are the perfect opportunity to linger on all your thoughts, even the most crazy and disturbing; the reason why is we finally have our full attention and we are not distracted by other people or events around us.
4. Treat yourself to dark chocolate
Chocolate contains healthy antioxidants that repair cell damage. One piece is enough to give you that sweet feeling you want after your supper. However, try to choose the one with the least sugar.
5. Drink chamomile or mint tea
One of the things you can do alone is enjoying Chamomile or mint tea. Chamomile will help you fall asleep and mint will aid your digestion.
6. Go to sleep at 9:00 p.m.
Many of us are sleep deprived. Imagine you are 6 years old, put on flannel pajamas, go to bed and turn off the lights.
7. Treat yourself to a pedicure
- Fill a large bowl with hot water and soak your feet in it;
- Sand the rough skin on the soles of the feet;
- Massage a scented lotion on your feet;
- Cut your nails;
- Polish your toenails with a color you would never dare to use on your hand nails.
8. Make way for video games
How about staying on the theme of the pandemic and viruses? You can opt for Dead Rising on Xbox. Like many zombie games, you must try to survive and complete your mission while exploding the walking dead. A real treat.
There is also Plague Inc. It is a strategy and simulation game in an apocalyptic universe. The game is very realistic and addictive. You will forget about your quarantine.
9. Catch up on reading
Reading is a simple and de-stressing pleasure. So simple, that some people forget it. Again, let’s stay in touch with our theme. A host of literary works are available to you. Among the best books, you will find World War Z or Survival Guide in Zombie Territory or I am a Legend.
10. Sing
You can finally sing head-on the songs you love without breaking anyone’s ears. You can even sing the same song 10 times in a row without problem.
11. Play an instrument
It’s the same story as with singing, no one will ask you to stop playing the same song several times or to change repertoire, you’re free.
12. Dance
Who has never danced alone in their living room looking at themselves in the window or in the mirror? It’s great, it feels good and it’s a physical activity, so it’s good for your health (physical and mental) so enjoy being alone and dance.
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