8 things you should say no to for a happy life

Despite being composed of just two little letters, the word “no” is both extremely powerful and extremely hard to master. Sure, you can pronounce it just fine, but actually getting it out of your mouth at the right moments is often one of the hardest skills for newbie entrepreneurs to learn. Nevertheless, it’s a skill that’s essential for success. In today’s article, we share with you a list of 8 things to say no to get the happy life you have always deserved.
Things you should say no to become a happier person

8 things to say no to – Being Passive
First things first, you should say no to being passive. To get what you want out of life, you need to actively work to make it happen. You can simply just set your goals and sit around, hoping miracles will happen. Be proactive.

Find your balance between thinking and doing. If you spend too much thinking, you’ll never get it done.

Perfectionism leads to procrastination, which leads to paralysis. Humans are imperfect creatures, so you don’t succeed because you’re perfect. You succeed because you acknowledged your weakness, choose to focus on your strengths and making one small change at a time, that’ll get you closer to achieve your goal over time. You should say no to this.

8 things to say no to – Instant gratification
Living in the Age of instant gratification, we can easily satisfy our urges and be tempted by delicious food, fancy car, online shopping, overseas trips etc. But to achieve long-term success, we should be more mindful, make deliberate choices. Don’t become a slave to your desires.

Sacrificing sleep
Your brain never stops working. While you sleep, your brain is actively doing its work- processing information, sorting memories and solving problems. To perform at your highest level, you need to have a decent night’s sleep. Researches show that adults need an average of 7-9 hours for the brain to do its work.

Skipping meals
We need a balanced diet to get all nutrients for the body to function optimally. Don’t try to lose weight by skipping a meal, especially breakfast. The key to good health is to eat better food, not less.

8 things to say no to – Exercising poorly
Everyone knows that to exercise regularly is good for mind and body. If you find it hard to get moving, try to do 5-minute plank workout one or two times a week.

Buying things that you don’t need or can’t afford
Less is more. Less is better. The truth is we don’t buy things, but rather we buy how things make us feel. To impress others, to make us feel better about ourselves. You should say no to unnecessary things to become a happier person.
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