The total solar eclipse in July 2019 will affect everyone: find out how

July 2019 is a very busy month, astrologers say. All because Mercury goes retrograde between two eclipses, one of them a total solar eclipse. This particular eclipse will happen in July 2nd in Cancer and will have the biggest impact on Cancer itself, Aries, Libra and Capricorn. However, the other signs will not escape unharmed. Find out how now.
Total solar eclipse in the month of July
For Aries, the focus of this total solar eclipse will be on intimate life and family. You will see how much the relation you have with your family has a significant impact on your career. Maybe you are fighting between being with your family and the will to grow and to be free. Take the opportunity to reevaluate your relationships and if you are being yourself at work.
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This total solar eclipse will activate Venus, which is Taurus‘ ruler planet. Venus is also the ruler of love relationships and the eclipse will put some light on that. It is an opportunity for great learning from the people you relate with. Pay attention to what you give and receive from others and how it helps you, so you can choose what to take to the future with you.
If you have been worried about your finances, you are about to have cosmic help. The period is very favorable to organize your finances and rethink priorities. We know that it might be confusing to make decisions regarding priorities, Gemini. But this time the things that you should invest on will be very clear right in front of your eyes.
Cancer, it is better that you rest during June because July will be a very intense month for you. Given all the astrological aspects and being the month of your birthday, you will be highly sensitive. Time to be with your emotions and reflect on how you can relate to people in a better way. The eclipse will help with teamwork and you are going to feel comfortable with that.
Your connection to the Divine will be very special this month making your intuition very strong. It will be the time of taking a simple walk and get insights about big issues you have. Having emotional balance will be super important while you pass through July and the eclipse. Leo, you should also take care of your health.
Usually, eclipses bring things that were hidden up to the surface. Virgo, you might have some surprises about who is around you and you should pay attention to find out with whom you can count on. To do that in a very functional way – which is the way you like – you are going to need to understand who you really are, your talents and some personality traits. We only know how to relate to other people when we have a good relationship with ourselves.
This particular total solar eclipse will teach you about divisions, Libra. You will finally receive some lessons about dividing your time between your personal life and career. You are also going to learn some skills that will lead you to a better future, such as how to plan and be more stable in order to conquer your goals.
The total solar eclipse will impact the communication sector of Scorpio. Instead of trying to control everything all the time, try to pay attention to the way you talk and express yourself. This is going to lead you to brand new adventures and you are going to learn a lot.
This total solar eclipse has the chance of being an important breakthrough for you, Sagittarius. Jupiter, which is your ruler, is transiting throughout the year of 2019, improving the chances for you to grow. The eclipse will make you understand where to direct your energy so you can accomplish that.
Capricorn usually has some little problems to relate to people and the eclipse will put some light on that. Take the opportunity to reevaluate how dependent you might have been on your relationships. Maybe it is time to center yourself in order to commit to what or who you know you will not let down and have better relationships.
This eclipse will impact on your career and health sectors, Aquarius. If you pay attention to what you eat or how you exercise, you have a lot to gain. On the career sector, you are going to have invincible energy at work but it is a good idea to stop a little to reevaluate your routine and lifestyle.
This total solar eclipse will make you feel the impact on your relationships, Pisces. It is important to analyze very deeply who is making you live an illusion. There are high chances of someone from your past to come back proposing a reattachment, but remember that it is only worth it if the terms are different now, especially during eclipses.
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