6 toxic romantic phrases: words of warning

Any romantic relationship can generate certain tensions and experience rough times, without, however, becoming a toxic relationship. On the contrary, the toxic relationship is not simply a complicated relationship: it is above all a destructive relationship, dangerous for the balance of the partner who undergoes it. Sometimes saying certain toxic romantic phrases can destroy a relation.
It responds to the painful executioner / victim schema, in which the dominant partner will (consciously or not) instrumentalize the victim in order to take advantage of them (on a material level or for narcissistic reasons), and to the point of wear and tear; it’s called toxic love.
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Without falling into paranoia, it is good to know how to recognize the toxicity of certain romantic relationships in order to get out of the role of victim in which you may have locked yourself.
6 toxic romantic phrases

Toxic Romantic Phrases – “I’d be nothing without you”
This is a big red flag of severe co-dependency. Anyone who says these words to you feels like they would be nothing without you in their life. Thus, they suggest that they are incapable of carrying out apart from you. Being someone else’s reason for existing is very toxic. Furthermore, you are meant to disappoint whether you intend to or not.

“You’re the only thing in my life that makes me truly happy”
Another one of the toxic romantic phrases and a big sign of co-dependency here; this is your key to be certain that the person you’re with is incapable of finding happiness within themselves like they should be doing. Do not expect someone to complete you. We grow happiness from the inside and if you can’t do it for yourself, it is unfair to find it in someone else in such a toxic way.

“I’m not good enough for you”
When you hear this phrase, you get the feeling that you’re not appreciating this person enough. If you think too highly of someone, you are bound to be let down at some point, whether they mean it or not.

Toxic Romantic Phrases – “You’re perfect just as you are”
Of course, you want people to accept the way you are but you also want a space to change as you see fit. We are humans, and we always adapt and find new parts of ourselves. If your partner refuses to let you grow, your relationship is in a serious danger.

“You’re so much better than my ex(es)”
We should never compare one lover to another lover. Everyone has their own fair share of struggles in this world. While you might not hurt your partner in the way one of their exes has, the comparison in itself is enough to leave a scar on their heart.

“I want to spend all of my time with you”
To need time apart from our lovers is just human; it’s in our nature. It is absolutely right to spend time with your friends or doing things on your own. If your lover is so co-dependent that they won’t give you any space at all, you need to revise the situation.
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