Venus in House 3: intelligence is your forte on relationships

Whoever has Venus in House 3 might be very communicative and possess high emotional intelligence regarding relationships. Venus is linked not only to the way we love but how we value the way we love. House 3 is the House of knowledge and communication. To know more about how these areas collide, read this article about Venus in House 3.
Venus in House 3
Let’s first find out what Venus is and represents in your birth chart before we know more of Venus in House 3. Venus relates to beauty, love and luxury. This planet, widely known as “the planet of love” is much more than just love. To define it better, we must talk about how we value love and our relationship with others.
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From the earliest times the ancient people noticed it. After all, Venus is the brightest star in the sky after the Sun and the Moon. We can also call it Morning and Evening Star, depending on how the planet appears in the sky. The ancient peoples even believed that Venus was two different celestial bodies, but then realized that Venus was only one planet.
Venus Star Point is the name of the phenomenon when this planet, the Sun and the Earth align.
Venus in House 3: what Venus represents in your birth chart
Venus for the Romans and Aphrodite to the Greeks, the name does not matter. The only thing that everybody agrees is that the planet should always be represented by a feminine and beautiful figure. If you notice, the astrological symbol for the goddess of beauty and love looks like a hand mirror and tells exactly what she represents: how we relate to people and how we reflect on others (and vice versa).
Venus puts the light on our intimate values. Superficial relationships are not for her because the value we have to exchange with others should always be remembered and put on the table. She does it in a very graceful way though, adding joy, affection, sensuality and all these good emotions to the game. Everything we are happy to feel when we relate to people we like.
It seeks harmony and cooperation among humans, being a very loving planet. Venus symbolizes all women, be they mothers, friends, cousins or teachers. The relationship we have with them in our lives is intimately linked to this planet. As a female figure, this could not be otherwise.
Venus in House 3: beautiful words on your mouth
To find out the area where you are most likely to express and want to attract affection, you need to know the astrological house where Venus stands on your birth chart. We remind that Venus represents how much and how we value our relationship with others and the House 3 rules the consciousness and communication sector.
House 3 puts wise and beautiful words on your mouth and people usually love to hear you. Since an early age, you like to read, write and learn. Your logical side seems to work in a very functional and fruitful way when in a relationship.
You have the tendency to attract and be attracted to people who you can have intelligent and multiple conversations. It is like everything you have been absorbing from the world outside was cohesively processed inside you and put outside again in a way that everybody understands.
There is a tendency to have a very harmonic relationship with siblings, friends and teachers. Every time there is an issue, you do not run from the dialogue. Your good reasoning helps you to identify what is fair and what is not in a very easy way.
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