Venus in House 4: a family business

If you have Venus in House 4 it is likely that your parents have some influence on your relationships. Venus indicates not only to the way we relate to each other but how we value the way we relate. House 4 is the House of roots and family. To know more about how these two areas merge, read now this article about Venus in House 4.
Venus in House 4: roots and family
Before we discover more about Venus in House 4, first we need to explain what Venus is and represents in our birth chart. Venus is the planet that relates to beauty, love and luxury. This planet, also known as “the planet of love” is much more than just how we love. To define it precisely, we must have a conversation about how we value love and the relationships in our lives.
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Venus was there and ancient people knew from the earliest times. After all, Venus is the brightest star in the sky after the Sun and the Moon. Depending on how the planet appears in the sky, we can also call it Morning and Evening Star. The ancient peoples even believed that Venus was two different celestial bodies because of that, but then realized that Venus was only one planet.
Venus in House 4: what Venus represents in your birth chart
Venus is always represented by a feminine and beautiful figure. The astrological symbol for the planet looks like a hand mirror and says something about what she represents: how we reflect on others (and vice versa).
Venus also puts the light on our intimate values. What do you think it is worth it? She does not like superficial relationships because she takes care of what we have most valuable, asking us to put this always on the table. She wants us to express ourselves in a very graceful way though. Think of joy, affection, sensuality and all the good emotions we feel when we are happy.
Harmony and cooperation among humans are her mottoes, always being a very loving planet. Venus is a symbol of all women we relate in our lives. The relationship we have with them is intimately linked to this planet. As a female figure, this could not be otherwise.
Venus in House 4: the relationship you have with your parents
To understand the area where you are most likely to attract affection and express yourself, you need to find out the astrological house where Venus stands on your birth chart. We remind that Venus represents how much and how we value our relationship with others and the House 4 rules our childhood and the relationship we have with our family.
House 4 will always bring you back home. The home life seems very irresistible compared to what you see outside. Why take a risk when you have a safe environment where you can be what you were born to be?
If Venus is in a good aspect, you can take advantage of that making all of your relationships very kind and intimate. But if you do not know how to deal with Venus in House 4, the problem can come from above – your parents.
In terms of love relationships, everybody wants to impress their parents or at least get some approval. You, my dear, need to be extra careful with that otherwise you are going to feel trapped living to make your parents happy, instead of thinking of your own happiness.
Finding a good partner will not be easy since you are always comparing people to one of your dear mommy and daddy. And none of them seems to be enough. Take it easy with what you had inherited and think about your own expression in this world.
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