Venus in Taurus: trust me if I trust you

Venus in Taurus – It is important to look at your birth chart to know where Venus was located when you were born. This planet represents beauty and tell us about how we look and love. Ready to know more about Venus in Taurus?
Venus in Taurus
Venus is the very ruler of Taurus and earth is its element (just as Virgo and Capricorn). This planet represents the feminine side we all have. It is also the planet of beauty and luxury. In Astrology we say that when the planet is on its own regency, it is “in domicile”. In this case, people who have Venus in Taurus will have the venusian characteristics highlighted.
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The element earth along with the sign Taurus demands stability and security. These people will be attracted to people who can offer this. If they feel that the other’s interest is oscillating, they soon lose interest. Once in a serious relationship, they will fight tooth and nail for the lull. They value long relationships that complete them in every way.
Probably, this is the most faithful Venus of the zodiac and, in return, requires the same fidelity back. When they feel that the other is not very trustworthy, they can get lost in their possessiveness. Not infrequently, these people go mad with jealousy and confuse the human being with whom they relate as an object of possession.
But in general if Venus is well positioned and the other offers a safe place, these people are very positive to be around. The relationship with them will be full of love and small pleasures in everyday life.
Venus in Taurus: slow riders
The thing these people need to watch out is with regard to self-indulgence. When they feel comfortable in a relationship, they will do nothing to change that status. This can bore the partner if he/she needs more emotion in the couple’s life.
Because they are faithful and believe that everything can be fixed (beyond the fear of change), they risk remaining in relationships that no longer make sense. They have tremors just thinking about starting all over again with someone new.
Venus in Taurus: beauty goddess
Taurus is the sign of everything that can be felt and touched. So, they will usually be attractive naturally and will be attracted to people of equal beauty. In fact, beauty is one of the main pillars in the construction of their personality. You will hardly see them poorly dressed because they have a discreet and natural elegance. They like comfortable pieces with great quality fabrics.
These people’s skin is usually very sensitive to touch. Their body is like a house that offers luxury and comfort to those who walk through it. The way they express themselves physically is often very deep, too. It is said that the best kissers have Venus in Taurus. They are definitely the best lovers in the zodiacs!
The sexuality of Venus in Taurus is very intense and visceral, but different from Venus in Aries. While they may have sex only through the heat of emotion, Venus in Taurus will prefer intense sex with people who have some greater meaning to them.
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