Violet moon: what is it and when is it going to take place?

When we speak of the colors of the Moon, we open the door to an interesting range of concepts (scientific, astrological and spiritual), which serve only to emphasize the importance of this natural satellite of the Earth in our society. In this case, it’s the violet moon. But what is it and when does the next one occur?
Violet moon: getting deeper into its importance
If the Blue Moon is about two Full-Moons in the same month, the Violet Moon refers to the second New Moon that occurs in the same calendar month. The event occurs every two and a half years.
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In ancient times, the Violet Moon was considered an ominous sign that attracted violence and sadness. Fortunately, nowadays, this vision has changed.
Modern Astrology presents the New Moon as the propitious moment for initiating projects or aligning intentions with the Universe; the Purple Moon manifests this duplicated energy.
Indeed, it can be a somewhat chaotic period, because it produces the sensation of situations that start simultaneously, without anything ending; but this is not negative.
The Violet Moon amplifies the qualities and possibilities of the Black Moon, especially when it occurs on December 30th, on New Year’s Eve. Spend time on this day for an assessment of everything you have lived through the year, positive achievements (or not so much), joys or sorrows. By re-evaluating our scale of values, re-scaling priorities according to new possibilities, we can feed the flame of hope and optimize our expectations for a better year.
We will, however, need to take advantage of the wisdom that the Violet Moon will awaken. It will allow us to discard what is obsolete or even harmful to our well-being, giving up what is outdated or has already fulfilled its purpose.
That being said, the greatest purpose of the celebration of the Violet Moon is to enable a silent and profound contemplation not only of the material reality, but of the true purpose of the soul and its challenges, as well as the mission that it came to accomplish in this incarnation.
Only when the spirit reaches and accepts to fulfill its dharma (mission) without complaining of its karma (destiny), the path of life becomes peaceful and enjoyable.
The next Violet Moon: New Moon in August 2019
In August 30th, the next Violet Moon appears in order to intensify all the characteristics of the first in this same month. We are in a moment of profound reflection, of silence and communication with its true purpose.
For sensitive people, it is even possible to receive some signs or even clairvoyance as a way of guiding their life. Certainly, we have something of immense help here for those who are planning and directing on a certain subject of life.
Spiritual and personal growth are also on the agenda during the Violet Moon, so make use of this energy to evolve.
Do not be afraid to dare, to risk and to abuse good sense. More emotional moments should arise, but simply manage them with calm and balance. Also enjoy the arrival of the Violet Moon to get to know each other better, even if it means to be a bit more introspective under certain circumstances.
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