Virgo Horoscope 2020

Looking for the Virgo Horoscope for 2020? Every month, you will find here the astrological forecasts for your zodiac sign. Check the Horoscope for Virgo, in 2020.
Virgo Horoscope 2020: a year in review
Horoscope 2020 – Virgo in January
The stellium (accumulation of planets) formed in December 2019, on the V House of Virgo, will continue active during the first half of January 2020, with the presence of Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto, Mercury, the Sun and Ceres.
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Although the last three stars will leave the V House of Virgo, on 15, 19 and 01/30 (respectively), we must not forget that the South Node is also maintained at the aforementioned location, where the asteroid Pallas will also enter, on 01/18.
A stellium in the V House of Virgo suggests an increase in creativity; interest in leisure activities; constant predisposition to romance and flirting; and understanding of the bond with the inner child. However, care must be taken with arrogant and self-centered attitudes.
On January 27, Lilith will enter House VIII of Virgo. This transit points to tensions and conflicts of power, related to the shared heritage with third parties (family, partner).
January 2020 is a season especially favorable for the natives of Virgo, in terms of health. The subject will be attracted by different alternatives of food and exercise (Mercury in House VI, from 01/16); and gain greater physical strength (Sun in House VI, since 01/20).
Horoscope 2020 – Virgo in February
Mercury will begin to retrograde in House VII of Virgo, on February 16, which can cause discussions between partners. Avoid victimization, and focus on what really causes discomfort.
On 02/08, the retrogradation of the asteroid Juno will begin in the Second House of Virgo It is convenient that you keep a detailed record of the outstanding economic commitments (debts, payments, credits), to avoid delays and confusion.
Ceres, entered the VI House of Virgo, on 01/31. The presence of this dwarf planet in the aforementioned location, during February 2020, invites to maintain a routine of self-care, and share it with the people of the surrounding environment.
Horoscope 2020 – Virgo in March
The Sun will enter the House VIII of Virgo, on 03/19. This astrological position is essential to bring to light the elements that generate distrust or fear of intimacy, within the relationship, complemented the work initiated by Mercury, during its retrogradation in House VII of the sign of Virgo, in February 2020.
On March 21, Saturn will enter the VI House of Virgo, pointing to the need to structure your ideas, and create the necessary bases to materialize your professional project.
The Full Moon in Virgo from 03/09 is the perfect opportunity to adjust your routines, organize work and residence spaces, and free yourself from harmful habits that do not contribute to your well-being.
Horoscope 2020 – Virgo in April
The entry of Ceres in House VII of Virgo (04/23) turns attention to the welfare of the partner. Although it is a favorable transit, it is advisable to avoid exaggerated dependence.
On April 19, the Sun will enter the IX House of Virgo, aiming at the consolidation of a trip or an academic project, of great significance for the subject. Likewise, this astrological position poses a rediscovery of one’s beliefs.
The arrival of the asteroid Pallas at the VI House of Virgo (04/29), will be a key piece to organize your schedules and routines, according to the objectives (physical and professional) that you expect to achieve in the short term.
Horoscope 2020 – Virgo in May
On May 13, Mars will enter House VII of Virgo, a favorable location when defending the interests of the partner and take the initiative in romantic matters.
The beginning of the retrogradation of Venus in the X House of Virgo (05/13), will raise intense questions about the native’s vocation, and their search for vital purpose.
Saturn will begin to retrograde in the VI House of Virgo, on 05/10, which for the Virgos can be a motivation to evaluate their life habits, or assume a restrictive attitude that undermines their well-being.
Horoscope 2020 – Virgo in June
The entrance of the South Node in the IV House of Virgo (06/04) raises questions about how you restrict your expansion, by staying in the comfortable area, clinging to the old internal narrative, or family history.
The Venus Star Point in Gemini will take place on June 3 on the X House of Virgo. This stellar event will stimulate the native to explore their true preferences, and create a professional path that suits them, beyond social conventions.
Mercury, the ruling planet of Virgo, will be retrograde from 06/18, under the influence of Cancer. With this transit, it is prudent to avoid excess food and beverages (particularly in social events), as there is a tendency to suffer from stomach disorders.
Horoscope 2020 – Virgo in July
As part of its annual retrogradation process, Saturn will move to the V House of Virgo, on July 1. The master planet of karma will meet Pluto, Saturn and Pallas also in apparent retrogradation, at the aforementioned location.
With this configuration, these natives will tend to introspection (the path to personal expansion is internal), leaving aside romance, and opportunities for fun.
The beginning of Mercurio’s direct trajectory in the XI House of Virgo (07/12) will favor communication with colleagues and friends, and the promotion of group or mass impact projects.
The entry of the Sun in House XII of Virgo, on 07/22, combined with the influence of retrograde planets in House V (Saturn, Pluto, Jupiter), favors participation in psychological therapy sessions, and the expression of one’s spirituality.
Horoscope 2020 – Virgo in August
On August 7, Venus will enter the XI House of Virgo, an astrological position that favors both meetings with friends and colleagues, and the emergence of an affair with someone from your social circle.
Uranus will begin its annual retrogradation process, on 08/15, on the IX House of Virgo, so we talk about unexpected obstacles that interfere in the development of academic procedures, travel, international document management, or communication of a project.
The entry of the Sun in Virgo (08/22) will strengthen the physical state of Virgo natives, and promote the constructive analysis of their habits and lifestyle.
Horoscope 2020 – Virgo in September
With the entry of Venus into the XII House of Virgo, on September 6, the subject may feel the need to contact an old passion, with romantic intentions; however, it is necessary to remember both the reasons for the separation and the evolutionary process itself.
Mercury will be traveling over Casa II de Virgo, from 05 to 09/26, giving you the opportunity to study the available alternatives, to diversify your sources of income.
The New Moon in Virgo on 09/17 marks a portal to personal reinvention, through which you can transform your routines, connect with your body (and its needs), and break with excessive self-criticism (being kind to you).
Horoscope 2020 – Virgo in October
Venus will visit the sign Virgo, from October 02 to 26. This transit, in addition to highlighting the attractiveness of the subject, favors the care of self-esteem, and non-radical image changes.
From October 13 to 26, Mercury will be retrograde in the House III of Virgo, which implies difficulty some difficulty in the expression of ideas, mishaps in short transfers, and failures in electronic devices.
As much as possible, it is suggested to avoid the presentations in public, and dedicate this season to the practice of introspection, and the study of internal dialogue (how you speak to yourself).
The entrance of the asteroid Vesta in Virgo (10/22) propitiates the manifestation of one’s spirituality, devotional exercises, and assistance to humanitarian causes or groups in need.
Horoscope 2020 – Virgo in November
The Sun will enter the IV House of Virgo, on November 21, indicating happy moments with the family group of origin, and successful processes of moving or reform. Home is where your heart is.
The lunar eclipse in Gemini on November 30, will touch the X House of Virgo, resulting in a sense of helplessness, given the events that occur in the professional field. There may be a conflict of interest between personal needs and work requirements. Time to set priorities.
On November 3, the direct phase of Mercury (the ruling planet of Virgo) begins, so the subject will gain a greater internal balance. It is advisable to take advantage of the season to perform medical tests, and consult with the trusted specialist.
Horoscope 2020 – Virgo in December
The entrance of Venus in the IV House of Virgo, on 12/15, speaks of returning to the roots, to the family, to what produces security and well-being. It is an astrological position conducive to hug your clan, to decorate your house and to enjoy time at home.
On December 17, Saturn will enter the VI House of Virgo, where he will receive Jupiter, on December 19. This configuration, which will remain until December 2021, aims to build the foundations to expand and grow with your dreams.
The asteroid Pallas will arrive at the VI House of Virgo, on December 7, becoming a formidable ally to organize your routines and schedules, in addition to preparing this sector of the astral map, for the arrival of Saturn (12/17) and Jupiter (12/19).
Virgo Horoscope 2019: a year in review
First trimester
Love in 2019 will begin much calmer for Virgos. There will not be a lot of concern for getting a partner and those who have one will have a relaxed air in the relationship. You will dedicate a lot of time to your partner, but be careful, because it can reach an exaggerated dependence. In March you will need to improve your communication with your partner or those around you.
The influence of Pallas in Virgo will bring wealth and prosperity if you properly manage your money. You will need to establish your own goals and reject those that others place on you. You will stand out for your tasks at work and gain recognition, but at the same time, fear of new responsibilities.
The natives of Virgo will start the year with a lot of energy, which they must know how to channel. Otherwise, it will turn into nervousness. In February, the natives will begin activities that will help them grow and exceed their own limits. Physical health will be very good at the end of the first trimester, you just need to pay attention to psychological pressure.
Second trimester
Virgo will be more resistant to romanticism and more concerned with themselves than empathizing with others in April. There will be discord in your relationship in the middle of the second trimester. The Virgo will feel the need to get to the root of the problems. Beware of deceit or self-deception, it will be necessary to be faithful to your heart.
It is a good time to settle debts and get out of situations that detract from your finances. The social and economic life of Virgo will be active at both work and school. Your circle of business partners will grow. In June, everything that is related to group work will be supported by the stars.
With respect to health, some natives may have problems with their sexuality and its function. It will be necessary to visit a doctor. They will overcome their fears and explore new sources of pleasure that improve their emotional health. Be ready for a search for the spiritual and incorporating the disciplines of meditation and relaxation.
Third trimester
An old love could reappear in July, repeating romantic patterns. Both those who are in partner relationships and singles will clarify their feelings. Some decisions may change the current status of many Virgos. That could lead to changes in emotional relationships, break-ups, engagements or steps to the next level, but nothing will remain static.
You will have doubts in your partners and need to reevaluate shared projects. You will need to order and manage money better. The third quarter will end with good omens in the financial sector in a cycle of prosperity and abundance. It is a good time to give yourself some of your favorite things, invest or save.
Expect stress and varied concerns. You will need a break at the beginning of the third trimester. The natives of Virgo will make important changes in their daily habits. There will be more concern for physical, aesthetic traits and also for improving psychological aspects. You will have a good physical condition in general, but a lot of stress and nervous tension.
Fourth trimester
The fourth trimester in love will feature good communication with extended families and there will be more confidence with children. You will have a need to strengthen bonds at home. To do so, the native of Virgo will tend to make changes externally, with the goal of creating comfort for those around them. In December, they will feel the need to improve aspects of their relationship, mainly intimacy.
Regarding money, there could be unexpected expenses, but at the same time, Virgo will be very active in generating new revenue. These natives will take on more at work and with their personal goals. They will find motivation at work and a good working environment, making them face their obligations enthusiastically in December.
The influence of Mercury in retrograde could cause respiratory diseases or allergies. In November, you will recover well from some diseases and you will understand your body and its needs better. Your mood will improve, you will have a good disposition and a more refined sensitivity.
Horoscope 2019: Virgo in January
Love and Relationships
The presence of the Sun in the V House of Virgo during the first part of January, will help the natives of the sign view romantic games and the pleasure of winning someone else’s affection less severely.
With Pallas in the II House of Virgo, the administration of the resources will be smooth sailing. You will be able to fulfill pending commitments and also save some funds for special situations.
The Sun will enter the VI House of Virgo on January 20th, which can be interpreted as physical strength and vitality. However, Mercury will also enter this site (on the 24th) which may lead to growing nervousness.
More predictions for January here.
Horoscope 2019: Virgo in February
Love and Relationships
The entrance of the asteroid Vesta in the VII House of Virgo (02/01) represents dedication towards your life partner. It is important to be careful with this planetary position, since it will induce you to give up your personal power to other people.
The entrance of Juno into the X House of Virgo (02/11) indicates the imposition of your commitment to professional progress. You must ask yourself if your aspirations respond to your own essence or to the need to please other’s expectations.
The Full Moon will be in Virgo on February 19th, an event that can help you deepen your knowledge of yourself and restructure your goals.
More predictions for February here.
Horoscope 2019: Virgo in March
Love and Relationships
Mercury, the ruling planet of Virgo, will be in retrograde from March 5th to March 28th in the VII House of the sign. Natives of Virgo should take advantage of this transit to analyze the way they communicate with themselves and with their life partner.
The entrance of Venus into the VI House of Virgo (03/01) deals with doing your job with dedication and enthusiasm, something that will make you the center of attention. However, the entrance of the asteroid Psyche to the same location (03/16), will leave evidence of your biggest fears about it.
In general, the children of Virgo will enjoy good physical health during this period of the year. However, the presence of Psyche in the VI House can become a source of psychological pressure.
More predictions for March here.
Horoscope 2019: Virgo in April
Love and Relationships
The retrogradation of Pluto and Saturn will take place in the V House of Virgo during the second two weeks of April. You will be reluctant to follow up with romantic opportunities, hiding behind the mask of ego and an exacerbated notion of responsibility.
The double Full Moon in Libra will touch the II House of Virgo on April 19th. This lunar event will finalize situations which need to be resolved that are associated with the management of your own resources and the right of merit.
With Pluto and Saturn in retrograde in the V House of Virgo, you may have episodes of frigidity and premature ejaculation, as well as disorders linked to fertility levels.
More predictions for April here.
Horoscope 2019: Virgo in May
Love and Relationships
The entrance of Lilith into the VII House of Virgo (05/03) will generate friction within couples. Before entering into debates, investigate the reasons that lead you to stay on the defensive.
Mercury and Venus will enter the IX House of Virgo in May, a location where Uranus will also be located and the New Moon of the month (05/04) will take place. These alignments promote participation in forums, congresses and professionalization courses, in addition to entering into international markets (travel, business, publications).
The entrance of the asteroid Eros to Virgo (05/06) is a valuable opportunity to explore your own sensuality and reconnect with the enjoyment of pleasure.
Horoscope 2019: Virgo in June
Love and Relationships
The beginning of the retrogradation of Neptune in the VII House of Virgo (06/21), where Lilith is also located, presents a conflict between accepting reality or idealizing the object of your affections, fostering a false sense of security.
Mercury, the ruling planet of Virgo, will be in the XI House of the sign from June 4th to June 25th. It is recommended to hold group work sessions and creative brainstorms aimed at promoting community-based projects (more than on an individual level) during this period.
The entrance of Mercury into the XII House of Virgo (06/26), favors the practice of relaxation and meditation techniques. Likewise, this transit is positive for those who seek internal balance and to connect with the spiritual.
Horoscope 2019: Virgo in July
Love and Relationships
Venus will enter the XII House of Virgo on July 27th, which may be felt as the repetition of past romantic situations, which you thought you had overcome or the reappearance of an old love.
The retrogradation of Chiron in the VIII House of Virgo, starting on July 8th, can lead you to reconsider the members of your family who you have business or property deals with. Be careful, do not immediately share your suspicions if they have no logical basis (hard evidence).
The natives of Virgo will have to fight against intense mental activity to get a real rest during this period of the year.
Horoscope 2019: Virgo in August
Love and Relationships
On August 14th, the Venus Star Point (Sun – Venus conjunction) will take place in the Leo sign, which will affect the XII House of Virgo. It is a true twist for the natives of Virgo which will clarify what they really want and the fears that prevent it from coming to life.
Finances will remain stable for the members of Virgo during this time of year. With the asteroid Pallas in the II House of the sign, the organization of economic resources will become a priority.
There will be an accumulation of planets in the Virgo sign in August, which means that you will be involved in drastic changes, including both the physical and psychological aspects, such as your way of viewing the world.
Horoscope 2019: Virgo in September
Love and Relationships
The Full Moon in Pisces on September 14th will touch the VII House of Virgo, putting an end to relationships that had become stagnant. In some cases, this lunar event will represent a change of status between current couples.
The entrance of the Sun into the II House of Virgo on September 23rd, indicates a financial bonanza and investment opportunities. If you want to make change your wardrobe, this is the right time.
Although the natives of Virgo could not feel physically better, nervous tension can play tricks on them and produce psychosomatic ailments.
Horoscope 2019: Virgo in October
Love and Relationships
With Saturn and Pluto in their direct phase in the V House of Virgo, relationships with children will improve noticeably. The entry of Mercury into the III House of the sign (10/03), will promote communication based on trust and honesty.
The entry of Mars into the II House of Virgo (10/04) will be a bad adviser when it comes to saving money (you will have a tendency towards unplanned expenses); however, it will be the perfect ally to get out of your comfort zone, and motivate you to invest in unusual places.
At the end of October, Mercury (the ruling planet of Virgo) will be in retrograde, so it is a good idea to pay special attention to the appearance of respiratory diseases, allergies and skin rashes.
Horoscope 2019: Virgo in November
Love and Relationships
The passage of several planets through the IV House of Virgo during the month of November alludes to a favorable period for carrying out home reforms or having family meetings that contribute to strengthen bonds.
The entrance of the asteroid Juno into the II House of Virgo (11/03) indicates that it is time to seriously commit yourself to the material goals you set for yourself, if you really want to see them happen.
The direct phase of Mercury will begin on November 20th and with it the gradual recovery of the natives of Virgo who were affected by the retrogradation of the planet of communication.
Horoscope 2019: Virgo in December
Love and Relationships
The beginning of the direct phase of Chiron in the VIII House of Virgo (12/12) will be a reminder that, in order to overcome the fear of intimacy, you must begin by trusting in your own power.
The entrance of Venus into the VI House of Virgo (12/20), invites you to enjoy everyday tasks, even those that you perform automatically at work.
The presence of Venus in the VI House of Virgo, starting on December 20th, will help to lighten the mood of the natives of the sign and to consider their hidden sensitivity (Psyche in the VI House) as a strength.