Virgo Horoscope for March 2021

Here is your Virgo Horoscope for March 2021. Every month, you will find at WeMystic the astrological forecasts for your zodiac sign.
Virgo Horoscope for March: what to expect
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Virgo Horoscope for March: LoveThe entry of the asteroid Pallas into House VII of Virgo (03/07), facilitates the organization of plans as a couple, and the planning of events such as engagements, marriages, and anniversaries (do not neglect the sanitary measures). This type of event will be common during this time of year, for the sons and daughters of Virgo, as indicated by the New Moon in Pisces on 03/13, on House VII of the sign. The fact that Mercury enters this location (House VII), on 03/15, suggests better communication between the members of the couple, and the desire to socialize with the people around them. Important: on 03/23 there will be a square between Mercury in House VII and Mars in House X, which can generate tensions between couples, due to professional situations (be cautious with your words). On the other hand, the entry of Venus into House VIII of Virgo (03/21), will ignite the passion of the native, and the need to enjoy greater dedication, in moments of sexual intimacy. As on March 26, the Venus Star Point (Sun – Venus conjunction) will occur in House VII of the sign of Virgo, there is a predisposition to experiment with pleasure, and reinforced trust in the partner. For the singles of the sign, the arrival of the asteroid Eros in the V House of Virgo alludes to a certain interest in flirting, and the beginning of a romantic adventure, with someone of a reserved nature. However, remember that Pluto is also in House V of the sign of Virgo, indicating that there is much more than what you can appreciate on the surface. If you’re unsure about making commitments, it may be wise to back down before someone (or yourself) gets hurt. Last but not least, the presence of the asteroid Juno in House IV of Virgo, invites you to cultivate family relationships, especially with parents, and spend time turning your house into a cozy space, which you can call home. |
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Virgo Horoscope for March: MoneyThe entry of the Sun into the VIII House of Virgo (03/20) implies important joint investments, with family or partners. This astrological position is favorable for these natives who are dedicated to managing funds, resources and assets of third parties. As Venus will enter this location (House VIII), on 03/21, the associations arranged by the native will be equally beneficial to all involved. Keep in mind that on March 26, the event known as Venus Star Point (Sun – Venus conjunction) will occur in House VIII, pointing to unexpected financial gains. In this sense, the Full Moon in Libra on 03/20, on House II of the sign of Virgo, will constitute the perfect ally to sincere personal finances, cancel old debts, and study new banking instruments. In the workplace, the conjunction between Mercury and Jupiter in House VI of Virgo (03/04), refers to communications with individuals, which will be crucial when it comes to promoting your career and professional projects (in the medium term). Likewise, the arrival of Mars in House X (03/03), represents the motivation you expected to take risks, get closer to your goals, accept leadership positions, and project yourself into the future. This trend will be reinforced by the trine that will star Mars in House X and Saturn in House VI (03/21), which refers to taking on new responsibilities, which will lead you to the next professional level. On the other hand, the entry of the asteroid Pallas and Mercury into House VII of Virgo (on 03/07 and 03/15, respectively), favors the celebration of strategic alliances, and contact with potential associates. However, on 03/23 there will be a square between Mercury in House VII and Mars in House X, which could delay your plans, due to professional commitments (take advantage of the extra time to get to know each other better). For Virgo students, the presence of Uranus in House IX of the sign benefits academic projects related to innovation, science, technology, research, and dystopian narratives. |
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Virgo Horoscope for March: HealthOn March 4, the Mercury – Jupiter conjunction will take place in House VI of Virgo, inspiring the native to explore new alternatives in terms of food, physical training and medical care. Likewise, this alignment refers to setting goals that promote a change in the lifestyle and routines (domestic and professional) of the native; also encourage the meeting with spiritual teachers. On the other hand, the Full Moon in Libra on 03/28, will touch House II of the sign of Virgo, favoring the identification of patterns and beliefs, which affect (negatively) your self-esteem. |