Virgo season: a chance to be more practical and efficient

The year is divided by 12 months but Astrology does not follow that exactly. The Sun enters a different sign every period of 30 days (or more) and gives everybody some characteristics to work on. Virgo season comes with lots of focus, productivity and order. Learn how to incorporate all these in yourself and enjoy a good season.
Virgo season: all you need to know about it
What have you been doing lately? Have you accomplished your goals like you planned to? What do you need to do to be more efficient?
The Leo season provides fire in your eyes and guts making you fight and stand for what you believe in no matter what. Virgo season, on the other hand, is a calmer wave. The period is more favorable to take a look wisely instead of taking impulsive actions.
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And better than using the “calmer wave” expression, we should talk of a “bunch of earth” that extinguishes the fire more slowly. The Sun enters Virgo on August 23 and stays up until September 22, bringing the element earth to the table. Although the earth is the more solid among the four elements, Virgo is part of the mutable group, which means that the season should not be so rigid as you could think.
At first glance, Virgo people can seem hard, inflexible and somewhat resistant but in the end, they learn how to adapt, love reflexions and have a good heart. Just as the season should be for everybody of other signs of the Zodiac.
Virgo season: let’s plan
Virgo has the ruler the analytical Mercury, the planet of reasoning and thinking. Together with Gemini, these are the two signs who like to use the brain at most. Although the water signs love to dive into their thoughts, they are more linked to how they make them feel, in other words, the emotions.
Virgo is not absent of emotions but pushes the brain to work like it is supposed to: practical and functional. So this is the perfect time to make an entire inventory of your life or past months. If you have been accelerated, step on the brake and observe.
What have you been doing lately? Have you accomplished your goals like you planned to? What do you need to do to be more efficient? These are the type of questions that you should pay attention now in order to have a roadmap to a better future.
Remember, it is not only about the way you feel but how to make things work. Virgo is very detail oriented, so take the chance to break big projects in small actions. Take notes, use post its or whatever you like to do this happen in front of your eyes. Virgo is also very visual and this will certainly help to build something that you can actually achieve if you follow the steps.
Health and creativity
If Mercury gives Virgo the amazing ability of thinking and figuring out how to solve things, it also gives the overthinking problem. Virgo is constantly analyzing their thoughts and reflecting if they are right or wrong. This makes them very critical individuals who are a bit paranoid about being perfect.
There might be a tension in the air making you acting in the same mode or at least trying. Resist to that and direct this energy into something better like a health check-up, for example. Virgo is the sign related to health and instead of worrying too much about things you can not control, take time to yourself and take care of your health.
Another suggestion to let this high activity of the brain flow is to dedicate yourself to creativity, the natural habitat of water signs. Earth and water blend very well, so think about DIY projects, writing songs or poems. Anything that makes everything that is happening inside your brain goes out in a most beautiful and touching way.
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