Waking up crying: what does it mean?

Crying is liberating. Sometimes, when we watch a sad movie, it’s inevitable not to cry. This is because, without realizing it, we release all the tensions and frustrations of everyday life during crying. After a shower of tears we feel tired, but also pretty much lighter and calmer, isn’t it? But what does it mean waking up crying and dreaming about tears? Are we suffering from something? Could it be a bad omen? That’s what we’re going to talk about now.
What does it mean to wake up crying?
Waking up crying, not remembering what happened in the dream, means that we have repressed hurts or some trauma that we urgently need to deal with. It’s time to take stock of your life and see what ails you so much, put an end to what is bad. Living with grief only brings more suffering and still delays our achievements and goals.
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Dreaming that you are crying with sorrow
This is the way your unconscious has managed to vent suppressed emotions, fears and sadness. Let the crying come and find balance during your nights sleep. Another possible meaning for dreaming about crying is that your sex life is very warm and needs a spicy touch. Our idea: how about an aphrodisiac dinner to warm up the vibes?
Waking up crying – Dreaming of crying with happiness
Crying with happiness indicates that you need to let your intuition speak louder. Especially if you need to make an important decision, close your eyes and silence your reason for a while. Listen to your heart and the answer will come.
Dreaming that someone else is crying
This dream can mean a partnership with an innovative person, who will add a lot to your life. It can be a new love, a partner at work or a new friendship. The important thing is to take advantage of everything that this new relation can bring and let that grow together.
Waking up crying – Dreaming of a crying child
If you dream that a child is crying, don’t worry. It’s not a bad sign. Quite the opposite. This indicates surprises on the way, both in love and family life. Who knows, maybe a baby will come to cheer the house.
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