Waning Moon energy in 2021: how to enjoy it

For thousands of years, people have worshiped the Moon. Many fishermen, farmers, and gardeners plan according to their cycle. Here we will see how the Waning Moon energy in 2021 can influence you and how you can use it to reflect and grow.
Waning Moon energy in 2021
It is believed that as the Moon diminishes from a sphere to a crescent until finally disappears its strength and influence diminishes or becomes more subtle. Indeed its energy and effect are becoming softer and less dramatic than the one on Full Moon for example.
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It is an energy that tells us to reflect, to plan and examine ourselves, to let go what is bad for us. An energy that is dissipating to give way enough room for creation and creativity.
Let’s take a closer look at the Waning Moon energy in 2021, how it influences us and how we can take advantage of it.
Introspection and Reflection
The Waning Moon tells us about preparing, it is a time to look within, reflect and see in more depth the options and decisions that we have to make.
It’s also a good cycle to consider relocating to another job, relationship, or career. It is time to review old ideas, beliefs and behaviors and see which ones remain and which ones leave to make room for the new.
Let go and let go
The Waning Moon energy in 2021 awakens the need for a change or a transformation.
It is a good time to let go of everything you do not need for your development, relationships, habits, beliefs etc. If the Full Moon speaks of commitment and action, during the Waning Moon is where the physical, emotional and subtle change takes place.
Challenges and Change
If we are energy, it is necessary to put an end to the energies that do not make us evolve, to make space available for energies that take us along the evolutionary path. However, we are never certain that the changes will be positive.
It is a challenge to make decisions, especially if it is a difficult decision and involves courage, it takes a lot of self-confidence and strength. This process can be lived with the Waning Moon and it is necessary to be aware of the self-confidence and self-esteem that we have at that moment to make decisions.
Uncertainty and dreams
The Waning Moon represents a bridge between the Full Moon and the New Moon. It is the period when space opens up for something new, new energies and beginnings. This can lead us from daydreaming to dreaming and imagining a possible future.
As in any dream or project there is uncertainty about the result, but this should not be the important thing, the most appropriate thing is to focus the gaze on the deepest reflection, on the investigation, venturing into new ideas and activities.
Using the energy of the Waning Moon
Of course, in all phases of the Moon you can set goals, plan or make important decisions, there are several factors that come into play and not only the energy of the Moon.
But what is relevant about the Waning Moon energy in 2021 is that it gives us more depth in reflection, more softness to leave things and make decisions, it is an energy that if used well can produce great transformations without drama.
When there is a Waning Moon, some ways to use your energy are: meditation or simply sitting in silence, walking alone in nature, doing relaxation practices, writing a journal, interpreting your dreams, doing a retreat or taking a shamanic trip, among others.