Consider making some new investments with your soulmate. If you want to reorganise your finances and work harmoniously together then any plans made this week will be extremely useful. If you are thinking about some kind of investment, then perhaps it would be wise to address this, but not to buy just yet. Believe it or not, something can make a difference. Saying the right words in the wrong tone can throw everything off, so take some time before you ask someone or respond to a suggestive text to get the right attitude. Your soulmate may be closer by the weekend, but will you be able to identify who she is when she shows up? Instead of judging a book by its cover, take the time to read the first chapter.
You may find your work routine changing over the next few months. Expanding opportunity indicates a good time to change jobs if you want to or make your existing job more lucrative. You can take steps to make your workplace more conducive to your needs by negotiating flexible hours or additional benefits. Making a concrete plan to pay off debt increases your peace of mind. You may be in a position to maneuver behind the scenes. Make your choices with the goal of helping everyone involved. Personal gain should be a secondary consideration. You may have to face your boss or speak in a group you see every day. Don't feel insecure. Expect positive results. These are powerful days to reach out and help others who may be struggling. Share what you've learned.
Waking up a little earlier can give you the opportunity to have some healthy alone time before the day begins. You will benefit by taking a little time each day to focus on what you want to accomplish. You tend to get caught up in other people's agendas because you are so talented at helping others achieve their goals. Having a cup of tea in the morning can have a powerful effect on your life. It's time to take a look at your friends. Are they helping you in your quest for better health, or do they tend to be a bad influence? Whatever the scenario, you will flourish if you choose your friends carefully from this point on. Choose those who encourage your journey to wellness and not those who might lead you on a toxic journey.