A new phase in your personal and private life is about to begin. You may decide on new directions concerning where you live. Perhaps you decide to live together with your love interest, or your loved one may decide to move into your home. Alternatively, you may consider buying or renting a property, or perhaps remodeling the apartment where you currently live. Let your imagination work overtime in the first part of the week. Reality can be overrated when it comes to romance, and you're great at pretending. Your spending habits will increase if you have a hot date on the weekend. If your bank account can afford that beautiful new beginning, go ahead and abuse it, by all means. Needs may have to be factored into the budget as well. That's not so fun anymore.
You are now in a position to take advantage of recommendations made by friends and family. With the universe affecting politics, groups and freelancing, you are being asked to think about where to set your flag as far as work is concerned. Do you want to be tied to a career, group or location? Or do you want to change? The money comes when you choose. This is a positive time for networking and supervising groups. Your ability to share ideas makes you a good team leader. To be most effective, you must believe in yourself and your talents. If you are not happy with what you are doing now, organise yourself to get more training. You may need to consider the possibility that you are doing something the wrong way. This period could bring opportunities in connection with a major corporation.
The favorable position of the planets gives an intuitive sense of where to aim your arrow (which can be goals), but how far will your arrow reach if your feet are not steady on the ground, nor your back straight and strong? Give yourself the benefit of a regular yoga practice to ground your energy and build your strength so that you can use these transits (of positive energy sources in yourself) to meet your health goals. Don't allow too much pressure and stress to affect you. If you have a big project or a big deadline, try to prepare for it ahead of time. This will help you feel more peaceful, energized, and energized. Your health is your most important resource, so put your well-being at the top of the list.