The movement of the heavenly bodies can encourage you to act toward someone to whom you are powerfully attracted. When you want something or someone, you are not shy to get it. Fortunately, it seems that they may feel the same way about you, and so any arrangements you make to get together are sure to be very successful. Make sure to use warm and sunny colors. Are you having trouble staying motivated at the start of a new week? Maybe you think you are trying too hard, but not getting good results. Don't give up yet. Your charm and charisma will really work in your favor at some point in the near future. Part of the joy of being Single for the weekend is making decisions for yourself. Be confident that you don't need to consult someone else before you make your final choice.
You can accomplish anything you set your mind to this week. You know that to-do list that's burning deadlines? This is the week to tackle the toughest items. You must not be negative! Luck and creativity help your social life explode. So gather your contacts to see how you can help each other climb the ladder of success. That way, everyone wins. This period brings luck to any team effort. A positive attitude will help everyone you socialize with. The times call for a reality check. Anything you hide from others you are also hiding from yourself. Worries can control your choices without you being aware of it. Wake up! These are high-energy days. You will be most effective if your time is well structured and if you limit the number of things you are working on at the same time.
The place to focus your energy during this week is in your home. Give yourself time to look around, and even if you don't really clean or tidy, it will be helpful to make a list of things you want to do. The configuration of the planets will support the disciplined attention you give to your home. Maybe it's time to start cleaning up some of the clutter that has miraculously accumulated in corners you don't pass regularly. Open your eyes to your kitchen and bathroom, especially, and figure out what you need to make your life better! You are motivated to focus on getting your body in shape. There may be some difficult days when you feel emotional. Aspects can make you feel clean, in a way. If you have a lot to do, try delegating some tasks. You need to relax and process your emotions. You will feel better in a few days.