What to look for in a partner: 10 essential qualities

Beautiful eyes? A handsome smile? A hilarious sense of humor? There are a lot of different things that might make you be attracted to someone. But what to look for in a partner and having a healthy relationship with your partner is pretty much more than physical attraction; it requires respect, trust and open communication.
Whether you’re looking for a relationship or you are already committed, make sure you and your partner agree on what can make your relationship harmonious. It’s not always easy, but everyone deserves a healthy relationship.
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What to look for in a partner?

What to look for in a partner – Understanding
First things first: being with someone is more than love. It is kindness and understanding. It’s to understand that the other person has their own needs and that the other needs space. Understand that life is more than being together in a superficial relationship. A relationship has to be for real, to be together in happiness and sadness.

A good relationship, which works and makes a difference in the couple’s life, is a relationship in which there is support. Support is not just about being together, but doing the best you can to provide security and comfort for each other. Support is a beautiful combination of understanding, kindness, companionship and love.

What to look for in a partner – Empathy
To have empathy is to put yourself in the other’s shoes, to understand that we cannot always have what we want. It takes empathy and kindness. It’s necessary to understand that nobody is like us, that the other person may be and can be different. Someone with empathy is someone who will love you in any circumstance.

If there’s one thing that is extremely important in someone with whom you will share your life, it’s partnership. Being together in easy and difficult times as well. Partnership is understanding the other person’s qualities and difficulties and trying to help them improve and find their balance.

When you choose a partner, choose someone who shows much more compassion, much more patience. A patient companion will help you grow because you will understand all your limitations and motivate you to improve. Love someone who runs with you and wants your personal growth.

What to look for in a partner – Companionship
Companionship may be the keyword for a successful relationship. You must always try to understand what the other is feeling, always making yourself available for a friendly word or even a silent chat. Being a partner goes beyond being a boyfriend: it means putting yourself in the other’s shoes, trying to walk side by side, always.

True love means you respect the other person feelings and you are respected in return. That’s what fidelity is about; it’s about committing to each other and being faithful to this feeling. Loyalty means that you are with that person, that you will do your best for them and that you will always try to dedicate most of your love and complicity to them.

Complicity is one of the most important things to be with someone; is to be understanding and to give in when it is necessary to give in. Complicity is sharing secrets, bad and happy moments. Complicity is understanding, loving, holding the hand and not letting go.

Kind people are extremely attractive. The truth is that kindness is an extremely important trait – a kind person attracts you not only for being kind to you, but for doing good to all those around you. A kind person captivates people’s hearts.

A person who show some compassion is a person who cares for the partner, who feels the pain of the other. A compassionate person will not hurt you because they will always put themselves in your place. A compassionate person will love you with all their heart.
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