The Women of Each Zodiac Sign: What to Know?

Every woman carries a universe within her, shaped by the cosmic forces at play the moment she was born. The zodiac offers a glimpse about her passions, strengths and, challenges. Whether she’s a fiery Aries, a mysterious Scorpio, or a dreamy Pisces, let’s get to know more about the women of each zodiac sign.
The Woman of Each Zodiac Sign: A Cosmic Guide to Her Strengths and Secrets
Let’s dive into the cosmic wonders of the zodiac woman.
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The women of Aries: warrior essence
The women who were born between March 21 and April 20 are born under the element fire and the regent planet Mars. This combination is very masculine and it gives to the women of Aries a pinch more of masculine vibe than otherwomen of the Zodiac.
We do not say this referring to sexuality, but to general energy. We have the Yin and the Yang, the black and white and also the masculine and the feminine in the Zodiac. Women of Aries are definitely part of the masculine.
Mars is the warrior God and represents our masculine side (while Venus represents the feminine), so the figure of the warrior is very present in the characteristics of these women. They are natural leaders and have an aggressive attitude sometimes. But like a general who guides his army, they are fearless, brave and generous towards those who need their help.
The women of Each Zodiac Sign – Taurus and Venus rules
The women who were born between April 21 and May 21 are born under the element earth and the regent planet Venus. When we say that women of Taurus are the “perfect women” or what a woman should be is because Venus plays the most important role in that.
Talking about the women of each zodiac sign, we must say that the women of Taurus are the most feminine. We do not refer to sexuality but to general energies and in terms of thinking. Mars (ruler of Aries) is the God of the War and Venus is the Goddess of love and beauty.
This title for Venus can sound a little frivolous depending on how you know Venus. For certain, Venus is the most feminine of the Goddesses. She is always represented by a feminine and beautiful figure, reuniting the concepts of love, beauty, harmony but also sensuality and firmness.
If Mars refers to impetuous impulses, Venus refers to calm and steadiness. The energy that is received, kept and very thought out so we can finally swallow. Then, it can blossom in the right way. The relation with the element earth completes the figure that “knows and understands everything”, the Mother Earth.
The women of Gemini: fast learners
The women who were born between May 21 and June 20 are born under the element air and the regent planet Mercury. The symbol for this sign is a pair of equal elements, twins. But it could be triplets, quadruplets, quintuples or even more because of the multiplicity of Gemini’s personality.
The women of Gemini are the most versatile of the Zodiac. Extremely adaptable, they go navigating through different environments and situations showing no fear, even if they do not know where they are stepping in. This happens because together with the capacity of adaptation, the intelligence also comes.
Knowing more about the women of each zodiac sign, Gemini women are very smart and we credit it for Mercury. The planet is the astrological representation of the God of communication and reasoning. It is a fast planet which gives the skill of learning everything pretty fast too. Put these women in a new job and they will figure out their new tasks in a blink of an eye. Give them a puzzle and they will find a way.
The women of Cancer: the support that everybody needs
The women who were born between June 21 and July 22 are born under the element water and have as ruler the Moon. The combination of water and the Moon make very emotional individuals, since the element water is the element related to the emotions and the Moon rules our emotional side too.
While we also refer to the women of Taurus as mothers, what happens with the women of Cancer is a little bit different. In the case of Taurus, the connection with the element earth and Venus makes those women strong, fertile and wise who understand the cycle(s) of life more rationally, just like the Mother Earth.
On the other hand, the Moon is a feminine figure too in Astrology, but as we said before, it is totally connected to our emotions. This makes the women of Cancer the figure of the mother who we run to when we are sad or have a problem, to ask for help and a shoulder to cry on.
The women of Leo: natural queens
The women who were born between July 23 and August 22 are born under the element fire and the most powerful star, the Sun. The combination of fire and the main star of our Solar System creates women that it is hard to go unnoticed wherever they go.
Let’s play a little? We are going to take advantage of the fact that Leo is a playful sign and we will imagine an imposing and huge lion, wearing a long red velvet cape and walking majestically through the savannah. Transport this scenario to a room, a street or wherever and then you have the women of Leo.
The lion is the animal that represents this sign and could be no different. They own the Zodiac and they know it. These women are part of the royalty even in the smallest things. That is why it is so hard to not fall in love with them.
The women of Each Zodiac Sign – Virgo, women that like to observe
The women who were born between August 23 and September 22 are born under the element earth and the regent planet Mercury. Virgo shares the ruler with Gemini but unlike the expansive personality of the women of Gemini, the women of Virgo are pretty much reserved.
Mercury is the planet of communication and reasoning. Whoever borns under his regency have a tendency of having a chaotic mind. The people usually are very intelligent, think fast and have a huge capacity of learning. Both signs are like this, but when we talk about Virgo, these women prefer to gather all this knowledge and observe others from far.
The reason why they do not land themselves and let other people in their thoughts easily (as it happens with Gemini) is that they always think they are not good enough. So, in their minds, they need to practice and learn what it takes, in order to improve so they can finally deliver the best when relating to people.
The women of Libra: love and beauty well represented
The women who were born between September 23 and October 22 are born under the element air and the regent planet Venus. They share the same ruler planet and some characteristics of the women of Taurus, but the element air point to some differences.
The women of Libra personify the most harmonic side of Venus, Goddess of love and beauty. These women value love and pursue beauty in the aesthetical point of view as their attitude. When you look at a woman of Libra, you will probably see a beautiful set that pleases and even relax the eyes.
While the women of Taurus are more rigid and discreet, the women of Libra are more malleable and vivacious. Think of a gorgeous and calming scenario of a garden full of flowers and Venus playing in a very graceful way with her hair, voice and butterflies. Now, forget about all the problems in the world and just appreciate this scene for a moment. This is the true essence of the women of Libra.
The women of Scorpio: the influence of Mars
The women of each zodiac sign who were born between October 23 and November 21 are born under the element water and have as ruler the planet Mars. Mars, as many people know, is the red planet of fire, house and name of the God of the war. Mars is also the ruler of the impulsive sign Aries.
As you can imagine, this is the special spice that the women of Scorpio have. Although Scorpio is part of the water group in the Zodiac (along with Cancer and Pisces), the ruler planet plays an important role in the way these women acts.
Their modus operandi is not so complacent like their water sisters. The women of Scorpio has tough skin and are more aggressive. There is the deepness of the ocean but something can catch fire very quickly. Imagine a boat on fire in the high seas. This is one of the many things that the personality of the women of Scorpio can be.
The women of Each Zodiac Sign – Sagittarius and the influence of Jupiter
The women who were born between November 22 and December 21 are born under the element fire and have Jupiter as the ruler planet. All the planets have great power above their children but with Jupiter the influence is undeniable. Just have a look at our Solar System and you will see the biggest planet among all: the huge Jupiter.
The imposing physical dimensions of Jupiter give the tone of the personality of the women of Sagittarius. Although both Jupiter and these women have an internal childish side (we will discuss it later), they also have this air of superiority.
Maybe, it is the mix of the light essence (Jupiter was a playful God in Greek mythology) with the great dimensions that make these women so heavy and light at the same time. They do can have an aggressive appearance and attitude (do not forget the element fire) but they know how to keep things simple and airy.
The women of Capricorn: earth and Saturn
The women who were born between December 22 and January 20 are born under the element earth and have Saturn as the ruler planet. The combination of these two astrological aspects gives the exact tone for the women of Capricorn: seriousness and rigidity.
All the earth signs (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) take the word “work” to all areas in life, beyond the professional. It is like they adopted a professional attitude even when they are not working. This can be very beneficial because taking things seriously and respecting others in their space are good values.
Saturn (or Chronos in Greek mythology) is the God of time, and the dragged time! He preaches that everything has the right time to happen and until that, you need to work a lot and very hard to achieve your dreams. This can be difficult to accept and play with for many of us but not for the women of Capricorn. They were already born with this thought quite rooted.
The women of Aquarius: air and Uranus
The women who were born between January 21 and February 18 are born under the element air and have Uranus as the ruler planet. We can start from this combination of air with Uranus to talk about what shapes the personality of the women of Aquarius.
In Astrology, the element air is associated with how we speak and the way we connect to others in general. This is why the air signs (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) are the most comfortable at social events and around people. Aquarius, as it could not be different, deal with their relations in a very light way, as they are floating from point to point in the air.
Uranus every time it appears in the sky configuration, it brings surprises. All the astrologers agree that when it is in a good (or bad) aspect, you will going to see something you have no idea where it came from. And this, my friends, define exactly the personality of the women of Aquarius: surprising and unexpected.
The women of Pisces: water and Neptune
The women who were born between February 19 and March 19 are born under the element water and have Neptune as the ruler planet. The combination of air and Neptune gives a romantic and dreamy tone to these women.
In Astrology, the element water is associated with the emotions and how we deal with them. Pisces closes the water group (the other two are Cancer and Scorpio) and we can say that all the emotions pour in this sea. The women of Pisces tend to absorb everything is dumped, whether it is good or bad and this is not a so good condition.
You can show your true colors to these women and they will embrace you and probably understand you more than yourself. This high level of human comprehension comes from the regency of Neptune, King of the Seas. Neptune is the God that governs our unconsciousness and dreams. That makes these women very comfortable around what people usually do not see – but they have glasses for that.
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