Yoga and health problems: a conscious approach
How are yoga and health problems related? Nowadays there are many people approaching yoga as a medicine, but is that the right way to introduce it in your life?
The hype of yoga that we have been watching in the recent past years, presents yoga and health problems many times together, being yoga seen as a cure. On the other way around, many people start practicing yoga motivated by health problems.
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Yoga and health problems: one solution fits all?
This is the starting point nowadays, where many health problems are perceived in a simplistic way. Therefore, yoga can have a different role, depending on the health problem.
For example, for a person with cancer, yoga can help releasing the stress of dealing with the moment and improve a positive mind, but it won’t cure cancer. But if we are talking about a severe sciatica pain, then yoga can be the perfect solution.
Yoga and its philosophy go way beyond some asanas on the mat.
How far can yoga go?
As yoga is so often mentioned as a good solution to many different health problems, there is a general idea that it can be a cure. There are for sure, many examples of people who associate their process of cure to yoga, and sometimes of deep and complicated situations.
Yoga, in Western society, is pretty much related to physical poses, sometimes to meditation, and rarely to breathing exercises. That mistake is the biggest problem when facing yoga as part of the solution to health problems.
Yoga and its philosophy go way beyond some asanas on the mat. Yoga is about everyday life choices, from food to thoughts. Therefore, from people who take yoga as a whole, and make radical changes in their lives, there are many examples of how yoga and health problems’ solutions where deeply connected.
How far yoga can go is also related to how do we go to yoga!
Yoga and health problems: a healthy approach
Although we don’t aim to give a final answer, and we strongly believe every person needs to find their own journey, we have some advice.
First of all, pay close attention to your problem and try to understand how yoga can be part of your process of cure. In this sense, physical problems might be suited for yoga therapy, while the psychological ones demand a practice with more focus on meditation and spirituality. If you have that chance, you can even enroll for private classes that will have the goal of helping directly you.
In the second place, remember yoga comes from a different culture and it’s way more complex than what it looks like. Start slowly and open your heart to all the teachings it has for you, but remember, don’t expect too much and too quickly, or you’ll be frustrated.
Third and last advice, is that yoga is part of your process of cure. Yoga has a high potential of help for many health problems, but in the majority of the cases, the smartest way to do it is to use yoga as a complement to other therapies.
While yoga is one of the most incredible heritage we got from our ancestors, it also needs to be treated with respect and conscious.
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