Yoga practice for energizing your body: 3 infalible poses

Having a yoga practice for energizing your body is life-saving! Do you know those bad nights when you wake up in the morning feeling even more tired than before sleeping? Already thinking how hard is that day going to be like? This can be the answer.
For some reason or another, we often need a boost in our energy to deal with the millions of things we have in our minds every day. Sure, if you need to slow down and rest that is the ideal option, but we know that’s not always possible (or at least, we’re don’t always figure out it is), so a little help is more than welcomed.
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Yoga, as we always mention, has the amazing ability to work with our energy, calming it down or rising it up. Keep reading and find out what a yoga practice for energizing your body can do for you.
A yoga practice for energizing your body
We are usually more aware of the effects on our body because, quite mistakenly, we are more connected with the dense part of ourselves, than with the subtle one. But, of course, a yoga practice for energizing your body will most of all work with your subtle energy, and that’s why we start with pranayama.
If you can only do one thing to boost your energy, this is the one! It stimulates the nervous system, and for that it will rise up your energy.
Learn how to do it:
- Sit on a comfortable position and start an abdominal breathing (belly in and out slowly);
- Inhale and exhale quickly, strong and with rhythm for both nostrils, producing a strong sound;
- Keep your back straight, contract your core when you exhale to keep it strong and quick, without moving your shoulders.
Surya Namaskar
Surya Namaskar is always a great sequence to add in your yoga practice and the greatest thing about it that, with the same sequence, we can search and find different effects. First of all, there are multiple variations to adapt to anybody, and then we can always change the speed, the intention, and the intensity.
In order to boost your energy, you want to go for a strong and intense Surya Namaskar adding jumps in transactions between poses. Although, don’t go straight to that point, needing a boost in your energy can also mean you are feeling really tired, and you need one or two calm repetitions of the Sun Salutation, before adding intensity.
Remember that you always want to practice in safety, and if adding jumps is not the right thing for you, just speed up a little bit.
Opening heart poses
The next big secret: opening heart poses. These asanas have the capacity of lifting up our energy so much that if you overuse it, it can become too much.
Here you have some possibilities, from the easiest to more intense poses:
- Sukhasana with the back in an arch
- Bhujangasana
- Shalabhasana
- Anjaneyasana
- Matsyasana
- Dhanurasana
- Urdhva Dhanurasana
- Setubandh Sarvangasana
- Ustrasana
Instead of raising your levels of caffeine, or end up drinking alcohol or other “easy” boosts, try this approach when you need it, especially in the morning (don’t do it before going to sleep). Feel the results, and sooner or later, take some real and good rest and reset!
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