Yoga practices for summer: the best ones

You probably think that Summer is the perfect time for hot and active yoga practice, that will put you sweating and tired like no other, but no. Why? And what are the ideal Yoga practices for Summer, after all?
Let’s start with the “why?”. Summer is the season of the Sun, of the fire; because of the weather, long days and a more active social life, this element is stimulated in everyone. It’s the peak of the fire.
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Strong and active practices are also related to the fire element, and we are, in fact, always looking for balance. That means the Summer practices must be softer and contemplative, inviting us to balance the fantastic energy of the summer with the necessary peace to keep looking inside ourselves. We want to cultivate the opposite environment inside ourselves.
Consider this season as an invitation to slow down when you practice and to open your heart. Let’s find out more.
5 Yoga practices for Summer
We want to cultivate the opposite environment inside ourselves.

Sun Salutations Variations
Did you know that even performing the same asanas you can do it more smoothly and change the effect on your body and mind? For example, if you jump back and forward during Surya Namaskar, change it for a slow walking backwards/forward; or, instead of chaturanga and Urdhva Mukha Svanasana, go directly to the floor and make a smooth Bhujangasana.
If you’re feeling too much energy, or with anger episodes, change the Sun Salutation for a Moon Salutation and enjoy the peace you can find inside yourself.

Forward Bends
Forward bends cool down the body and reduce anxiety, as well as they revitalize the mind. They are perfect for introducing in your yoga practices for Summer. You can add one or two standing ones, like Padangusthasana or Parsvottanasana. For floor options, Utthita Balasana, Baddha Konasana and of course, Paschimottanasana.

Yoga practices for Summer – Twists
Spinal twists are significant to the internal organs, flushing out excess heat and tension, mostly from the upper body. Marichyasana is a great choice or the most challenging Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana.

Yoga practices for Summer – Supported Inversions
If you never tried Iyengar style supported inversions, it’s time to do it and enjoy it! Our best advice is to try Viparita Karani with a bolster on your sacral area. It’s like heaven!

Summer is a great time to open your heart, to feel and nurture love, because of that backbends are ideal. Bhujangasana is soft and smooth, or Matsyasana. They also help regulate the thyroid, responsible for the metabolism of internal temperature regulation.
Pranayama in Yoga Practices for Summer
Through the asana yoga practice, keep a fluid breath with a complete exhale to quiet the body and mind. Long exhalations potentiate relaxation and focus, restoring the nervous system.
While some pranayamas (or sat karmas, cleansing techniques) are meant to heat the body, there are also some cooling pranayama techniques.
Shitali Pranayama
Curl your tongue like a tube and inhale through that tube. Close your mouth and touch the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth. Exhale through your nostrils. This breathing technique cools the brain and reduces fever.
Sitkari Breath
For those who are unable to roll the tongue, you have to opt for Sitkari. Let the tongue to float in the mouth, slightly touching your teeth and these lightly touching. Inhale through your mouth and let the air pass between the tip of your tongue and the roof of your mouth. Exhale through your nostrils while touching the tip of your tongue to the roof of your mouth.
Chandra Pranayama
Bring the calming and cooling energy of the moon with this simple pranayama. Close your right nostril and inhale through the left one. Stop and if possible, hold your breath for a few seconds. Exhale through the right nostril and inhale again through the left one. Repeat the process.
Enjoy a smooth and calming practice during the Summer and promote balance in your life!
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