Zodiac cusp: were you born on a cusp?

Although the term is little known, being born on a Zodiac cusp is more common than you think. The concept is simple, and it happens when someone is born on a day when two signs can be ruling – depending on the time – during the solar transits.
What is a zodiac cusp?
More technically speaking, Astrology calls a Zodiac cusp the midpoint where the sun is in transition. It is the moment when the star crosses the last degree of a constellation, then enters the first degree of the subsequent constellation.
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Imagine someone who was born on July 22. Theoretically, this is the last day under Cancer rule, but depending on the time, the Sun may already be in Leo. This does not mean the person has two signs, but may share some characteristics of both. In some cases, you may also be a Leo with Gemini traits and vice versa.
The fact is that there are people who spend their whole lives basing all their choices on the sun sign pointed by the calendar. They get tattoos, buy accessories, and even behave according to what the supposed sun sign says. However, some of them may not fully identify with their zodiac representative.
This lack of identification often leads one to chart, to understand other planetary influences that make them who they are – such as the Moon or the Ascendant, for example. And that’s where the big surprise comes: because you were born on a zodiac cusp, you actually belong to something other than the calendar sign.
When does a cusp happen?
This confusion with signs happens very often, which is why if you were born on the first or last dates of a sign, there is a likelihood that you belong to the sign before or after it. For ease of understanding, see what dates the cusps occur:
- Aquarius: if born on January 20, may be from Capricorn, and if born on February 19, may be from Pisces;
- Pisces: born on February 19 may be from Aquarius, and on March 20 may be from Aries;
- Aries: those born on March 21 may be from Pisces, and April 19 may also be Taurus;
- Taurus: born on April 20 may be Aries, and May 20 may be Gemini;
- Gemini: those born on May 21 may be from Taurus, and those on June 20 may be from Cancer sign;
- Cancer: those born on June 21 may be from Gemini, and on June 22 may be from Leo;
- Leo: if born on July 23, may be from Cancer, or if on August 22, may be from Virgo;
- Virgo: born on August 23 may be from Leo, and on September 22 may be from Libra sign;
- Libra: Those born on September 23 may be from Virgo, or on October 23 may be from Scorpio;
- Scorpio: those born on October 23 may be from Libra, and on November 23 may be from Sagittarius;
- Sagittarius: those born on November 22 may be from Scorpio, or Capricorn if they are born on December 21;
- Capricorn: if born on December 22, the native might be from Sagittarius, or from Aquarius if born on January 19.
For those born on one of the dates mentioned above, it may be interesting to make a star chart to find out to which sun sign they really belong. However, it is noteworthy that, as birth occurred during the passage from one sign to another, it is very likely to have the influence of both on their personality, as mixed characteristics and interests.
If you were born on the cusp and are feeling “left out” for this, you may have a reason to be proud. It is a fact that many of the great minds of history and seventh art, including some of the finest, were born on a cusp. So you can celebrate because you have the benefit of taking advantage of the potentials of both signs.
Here are some famous people born on the cusp who have different sun signs.
- January 20: Aristotle Onassis (Capricorn) and Buzz Aldrin (Aquarius);
- June 21: Prince William (Cancer) and Juliette Lewis (Gemini);
- September 23: Julio Iglesias (Virgo) and Bruce Springsteen (Libra);
- October 23: Ryan Reynolds (Scorpio) and Ang Lee (Libra);
- November 22: Scarlett Johansson (Sagittarius) and Mark Ruffalo (Scorpio).
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