The 3 zodiac signs with the most conflicts in 2021

The year 2020 was not one of the best, it is not necessary to tell you why. The question is will 2021 be just as confusing or have better energy. While we immerse ourselves in this year, many signs will have the good auspices of the stars, but others will have to face some troubles. Here we will see the zodiac signs with the most conflicts in 2021.
Keep in mind that if your sign is on the list it does not mean that you will have a bad 2021. There is a trend with certain planetary alignments, but human intentionality can reverse situations.
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Zodiac signs with the most conflicts in 2021
From December 17, 2020, Saturn entered the sign of Aquarius and will remain there until March 8, 2023, when it enters the sign of Pisces. This planet associated with the mythological god of time and called the “lesser malefic” will have its influence in most of the signs.
Saturn will radiate a deeply spiritual and intellectual energy, but emotionally reserved. If your natal Saturn is in Aquarius, beware of existential crises.
This planet is the one that helps to structure, systematize, organize and concretize, but it is also the one that limits, represses, restricts, isolates and separates, symbolizes the coldness of the harsh winter.
This positioning in Aquarius implies a certain nervousness and tension on the part of the water carrier sign, therefore there may be destabilization and protests at the social level, but also disorder and revolts at the individual level.
Having seen the influence of Saturn, let’s now talk about the people who will have the most trouble this year. Here are the 3 most conflicting zodiac signs in 2021.
The first of the zodiac signs with the most conflicts in 2021 is Aquarius. As we have said, Saturn will be positioned in this sign all year round and, in February, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury (along with the Sun and the Moon) will join in a great astrological storm.
Undoubtedly, these conjunctions will cause an increase in the energy of this sign that can feel empowered, but the problem of Mercury retrograde and the strong intensity will make people of this sign continually go out of their center.
Aquarius can spend the whole year from mistake to mistake without being aware of what is happening. You will lack attention in what you do and each stumble will be like a new frustration.
What these natives should do is to calm down, as much as possible, and try meditation.
Gemini will also be one of the zodiac signs with the most conflicts in 2021. Particularly there are 2 astrological events that will destabilize you and put you out of control.
The first is the ruler of your sign, Mercury, which will be in its retrograde phase and from May 29 to June 22. Your interaction with others and your good communication will be out of control, you could have many conflicts due to your overload of energy.
On the other hand, on June 10, during the Mercury retrograde period there will be a solar eclipse in your sign that will make your contact with others more difficult, too critical, talking without thinking, biting humor, are some of the mischiefs that will create conflicts.
To maintain some balance on these dates and not affect others, and therefore your good mood, try to keep a low profile, prevent your thoughts and criticisms from escaping from your mouth uncontrollably.
The third of the zodiac signs with the most conflicts in 2021 is Sagittarius. Two eclipses will affect your sign this year, the first will be a lunar eclipse on May 26 and at the end of the year on December 4, a solar eclipse.
The lunar eclipse will produce inevitable endings in this sign. It can be negative if Sagittarius is not in balance and if they do not have their heads well set. It is an important moment because if they regret their decisions, they will not have a good time since it will be a point of no return.
The second (solar) eclipse will affect Sagittarius possibly in making poor decisions especially when it comes to financial matters. So it would be good to be prepared and have some savings by the end of the year.
Sagittarius should be more connected with mother nature this year, with practical issues and also with his internal world. It is not an easy balance to achieve, but it is necessary to overcome the obstacles of 2021.